Gentle Brew

Distance and Driving Time Demographics Analysis



Gentle Brew Coffee Roasters is seeking data on a possible second location at 151 E. Park Avenue to understand if this will be a profitable store.

Owner (former student) seeks demographics captured within 1,3,5,7 mile radius and 5, 10 15:

  • Total population, Daytime population, Median age, Population age 20-60, % white, black, hispanic, Total households, Median household income


  • Produce map and calculate demographics within 1,3,5,7 mile radius of proposed location

  • Produce map and calculate demographics within 5,10,15 minute driving radius of proposed location

  • Deliver maps and calculations to the owner of Gentle Brew Coffee Roasters to support the upcoming business decision

Process Summary

  • Data from US Census, NY State

  • Cleaned demographic data from US Census files, added daytime population data from NY State, obtained TIGER shapefiles

  • Dasymetrically mapped demographic data by distance

  • Created network analysis in ArcMap to calculate drive time polygons

  • Dasymetrically mapped demographic data by drive time

  • Summed data from census tract layer to distance or drive time areas to create tables

  • Produced maps of distance and drive time


1,3,5,7 mile radial distance

Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at 3.01.24 PM.png
Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at 3.05.31 PM.png

5,10,15 minute drive time

Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at 3.01.33 PM.png
Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at 3.05.22 PM.png


  • Project management and database management – what are optimal ways to plan and organize data when continually performing analysis/creating new data

  • Scale of data – the daytime population data was at a much less fine scale than the census data, therefore it did not reach within the 1 mile radius from the location. Given that the demographic data and shape files both came from the Census, they were at comparable scales with matching IDs to join