Gentle Brew
Distance and Driving Time Demographics Analysis
Gentle Brew Coffee Roasters is seeking data on a possible second location at 151 E. Park Avenue to understand if this will be a profitable store.
Owner (former student) seeks demographics captured within 1,3,5,7 mile radius and 5, 10 15:
Total population, Daytime population, Median age, Population age 20-60, % white, black, hispanic, Total households, Median household income
Produce map and calculate demographics within 1,3,5,7 mile radius of proposed location
Produce map and calculate demographics within 5,10,15 minute driving radius of proposed location
Deliver maps and calculations to the owner of Gentle Brew Coffee Roasters to support the upcoming business decision
Process Summary
Data from US Census, NY State
Cleaned demographic data from US Census files, added daytime population data from NY State, obtained TIGER shapefiles
Dasymetrically mapped demographic data by distance
Created network analysis in ArcMap to calculate drive time polygons
Dasymetrically mapped demographic data by drive time
Summed data from census tract layer to distance or drive time areas to create tables
Produced maps of distance and drive time
1,3,5,7 mile radial distance
5,10,15 minute drive time
Project management and database management – what are optimal ways to plan and organize data when continually performing analysis/creating new data
Scale of data – the daytime population data was at a much less fine scale than the census data, therefore it did not reach within the 1 mile radius from the location. Given that the demographic data and shape files both came from the Census, they were at comparable scales with matching IDs to join